Friday, April 16, 2010

Wednesday, July 21st at 11:11 AM

It is set in stone: We will be getting married on July 21st at Oaks Park. Mark your calendars, call in sick to work, and haul yourselves here for the event of our lives.

It will be awesome.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Date is Looming

We trapped a date for our nuptials, we just need to make sure it's going to hold still before we say anything.

It should stop thrashing in the next day or two, we'll send massive waves of messages when it's official.

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Dad is Awesome

My Dad has agreed to get ordained and officiate at our wedding. This is awesome.

I am in no way suggesting that the rest of The Five are any less awesome of course, but Dad really stepped up to the plate this time.

Another piece of the wedding puzzle has fallen into place, now if we could just nail down a date we could really get the ball rolling.