Friday, May 7, 2010

RSVP Here!

Hello beloved family & friends, check out the RSVP page! Feel free to use the comments to let us know if you can come or not. Feel free to email us at droidwhisperer at Gmail dot com as well!

If you've marked your self as attending on Facebook, there's no need to post here.


  1. Wouldn't miss it!
    Flauren and Charlie

  2. Of course, I will attend. This is just for the record.

  3. I would love to get a few more invites. I wanted to send one to Lynn and Cathie Deweese Parkinson and to Kitsie and Vern Linblad. I was not sure if you had already sent one to Kitsie. She was on the list, but not checked off. Marilee (Who actually wrote this)
